- No. of beneficiaries…..Direct: 1,600 HH, indirect: 400 HH within 12. Villages
- Project Description…
1. Rehabilitation of SB2 (2590 m); the branch irrigation canal in Mhardeh irrigation network and related infrastructure, The rehabilitation work includes:
5 metal flow gates: 0.6*1.7 m2
3000 m2 of lining concrete layers with 8cm thickness
Supporting the two canals’ shoulders by suitable backfilling material
800 m of lining concrete: Cracked sections and expansion joints to prevent water seepage
One pass-way siphon: metal and concrete parts: 10 m, D: 60 CM
2. Rehabilitation of 14,450 m of the sub-branch irrigation canals SB12, SB23, SB24 and PS04 in Mhardeh irrigation network and related infrastructure, The rehabilitation work includes:
8 metal flow gates: 0.61.7 m2 110 Metal field water intakes: 0. 60.6 m2
25000 m2 of lining concrete layers with 8cm thickness
Supporting the two shoulders of the canals by suitable backfilling material
1500 m of lining concrete: Cracked sections and expansion joints to prevent water seepage
Restoring culverts for field canals (pre-casted reinforced concrete pipes: 40, 60, 80 and 100 cm diameters). The culverts are between the field water intakes and tertiary canals
3. Rehabilitation of 3 km length of the branch and sub-branch irrigation canals: SB2, SB12, SB23, SB24 and PS04; and reshaping 15 km of the tertiary field irrigation canals and 14km of the earthen drainage canals, The rehabilitation work includes:
Cleaning and opening (manual or by machineries as instructed by the supervisor), of 3 km length of the branch and sub-branch irrigation canals: SB2, SB12, SB23, SB24 and PS04
Opening, reshaping and cleaning (manual and/or by machineries as instructed by the supervisor) of 15 km of the field tertiary canals
Opening, reshaping and cleaning (by machineries as instructed by the supervisor) of 14 km of the earthen drainage canals