Supply & Delivery of Bulk Food

Supplying & Delivery of Food Kits to Families

Delivered Kits: Approx. 30,000 KITS
Delivery of Food Items to the Beneficiaries by Food Vouchers in Homs & Rural-Homs

Number of Beneficiaries: 850 Family Each Family got a voucher with the following items Lentil, White & Red Beans, Canned Peas, Cooking Oil, Rice, Flour, Tahini, Pasta, Dates, Canned Tuna & Sardines, Salt, Tomato Paste, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Freekeh, Fava Beans, Vermicelli, Canned Chickpeas, Dry Beans, Semolina, Lemons, Green Beans, Carrots, Canned Labaneh, Oranges, Bananas, […]
Distribution of Food Voucher to Families in Rural-Damascus:

No. of Beneficiaries: 1825 Family This project aims..