- No. of beneficiaries:
- Shkefan Spring: 155 HH
- Ein Allouz Spring: 144 HH
- Ein AlSafi Spring: 100 HH
- AlKafrouneh: 66 HH
- Ein AlMalha: 45 HH

Project Description…
- Project Duration:07-06-2020 till 31-10-2020
- No. of personnel invloved:10 Engineers & Technicians + 92 Workers
Revamping five small-scale spring irrigation systems through installing solar powered pumping sets and irrigation in Rural Damascus Governorate, Syria
The proposed intervention is rehabilitation of 5 small-scale irrigation systems on spring water in Erneh and Durbul sub-districts in Rural Damascus Governorate.
The targeted villages, Erneh and Durable, are located about 60 km southwest Damascus within Katana district of Rural Damascus Governorate.
The objective is to strengthen farmers’ resilience in target areas to cope with the impact of the ongoing crisis through:
•Increasing irrigation efficiency through revamping the old irrigation systems and introducing small-scale solar powered systems where applicable.
•Rational use of limited fresh water resources through water use associations and fair distribution
•Increasing agricultural productivity and improving farmers’ livelihood
Project Main Activities…
Five activities are prosed to revamp small scale irrigation systems in 2 villages Erneh and Durbul:
1.Revamping the spring water irrigation system in Shkefan.
2.Revamping the spring water irrigation system in Ein Allouz.
3.Revamping the spring water irrigation system in Ein Alsafi and installation of a solar powered pumping system.
4.Revamping the spring water irrigation system in Ein Alkafrouneh and installation of a solar powered pumping system.
5.Revamping the irrigation system in Ein Almalha spring.
6.Supply and install solar panels set with a competitive inverter to operate the irrigation electric centrifugal pumps and an earthing system, mounting structures and all needed fittings and accessories.