Albasel School in Deir Ezzor Governorate

No. of beneficiaries:6600 student

Project Description

  • The building consists of two blocks

Block / 1 / The main building consists of two floors with 16 classrooms and two administrative rooms in addition to the laboratory. The classrooms on the two floors were subjected to major injuries, which led to the breaking of ceiling tiles, columns, beams, and walls, and major damage to the cladding. The laboratory was exposed to major structural damage to the tiles, columns, beams, walls, and damage.

Block / 2 / a second building consisting of two floors, consisting of 5 classrooms and an administrative room. The classrooms on the two floors were subjected to major damage, which led to the demolition of the western part of them, in addition to cracking of the ceiling tiles, columns, beams, and walls, and major damage to the cladding in the remaining part of them.